12 Psychological Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations.

#1. If You want to know something from someone:

    Ask them a question and when they are done answering, Keep silent and maintain an eye contact. They will tell you some more stuff, almost everything.

#2.When you try to convince someone over something:

Make sure they are sitting and you are standing. This makes them believe you sooner.

#3.The Key to confidence:

Is walking into a room and assume that everyone already likes you.

#4.Refer to people you've just met by their names:

People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right way. Example: "Nice to meet you, Ron. So, Ron how do you know Charles?" And continue to repeat name throughout the conversation.

#5.If someone attracted to you:

Their eyes start blinking more than usual during a conservation with you.

#6.Spot difference between a fake smile and a real one:

You can find out if someone is smiling for real or faking it by looking at their eyes. Wrinkles from near eye corners when the smile is genuine.

#7.Pay attention to people's feet:

To know if someone is interested in a conversation to look at their feet, If they are pointing towards you, They are. If they are pointing sideways or any other direction, they aren't. Feet don't lie.

#8.When at a party or a meeting:

When at a party or a meeting, crack a joke and observe the people who are laughing at you. People who feel close to each other will be looking at each other. This is useful for discerning out friendships and other relationships.

#9.The life hack to make people do what you want them to do:

Offer someone a choice instead of a command. For example, instead of saying drinking milk to a toddler, ask which mug would he/she like to drink milk from. This gives the person a sense of control hence produces a higher chance of a better outcome.

#10.How to win an argument:

If the person arguing loses his temper and starts shouting, the natural human tendency is to shout back. Don't! stay calm and reply in silence. This will piss them off even more. Try it! it works.

#11.Mirror people's body language to build up a trust:

If you subtly mimic the body language of the person you're talking to, you can effectively build up trust with them. By mirroring the way they speak and how they move they'll like you more, because, to them, it seems as if you are pretty good compatible.


To plant a seed of an idea in someone's mind, ask them to not think of a particular thing at all. Let's say I ask you to NOT thinking about ELEPHANTS. What are you thinking of?

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